Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Celebration of Knowledge!!!!!!! Whoo---Hooo!!!!

Good Morning!  You will be the first to participate in my testing "experiment" :)

Question number 1:

Describe the contributions of the Persian Empire.  Include examples of their leaders/government (satraps), the extent of the empire, and the culture.

Question number 2:

Discuss the similarities and differences between the Greek empire and the Mayan empire.  Include information regarding the location of the empire, the climate, the culture, the development of the city-states, religion, etc.

Rules...you may use any previous blog post for information...you may use any internet source for information..you may use any comment from your classmates as information..YOU MAY NOT TALK to anyone during the blog assignment.  All communication must be done through the blog and all communication must be related to the assignment (no fighting boys!)

Also, you must answer in complete sentences and in paragraph form...and you must answer in your own words!  No copy and pasting from internet sources or other blog posts...I will be checking!!

Good Luck!
Mrs.Russell :)


  1. The persians created the brick in 6000 BC. and the windmill in 1700 BC. In 576 BC to 529 BC Cyrus 2 the great ruled. When Persia was under the rule of Cyrus 2 the great, they issued the Cyrus Cylinder. In 1879, a british museum discovered it a the first Universal Declaration of Human Rights in history.

  2. Question One:

    Persia has a long and history of contributions to societies and civilizations of the world. People always, even unknowingly, use Persian-derived knowledge in their daily lives.

    "Persia" is the Greek name of Pars, a province of modern day Iran. Meanwhile, the name Iran(Land of the Aryans) is derived from the Aryan people, who first moved from Central Asia, and settled in what is now Iran, some 30,000 years ago. And here are some of the most important contributions of the people of Persia or Iran, to the world civilization.

    The first human civilization -The Persian Civilization; It was ahead of Egypt by 500 years, of India, by 1,000 years, and of China, by 2,000 years, of Greece by 3,000 years, and of Rome, by 4,000 years. This shows that their intellectual contributions and discoveries laid the path for future intelligent civilizations. Much of arithmetic derived from Greece and they borrowed a lot of thoughts and concepts from Persian discoveries.

    Cyrus the Great was also the first to conquer all of the worlds existing governments and unite them under one flag/color. This is such a significantly undermined event in history that we have to stop and question our understanding of world peace.

    Architectural contributions are also quite important. In Iran today, there are 1.2 million historical sites, discovered so far, with some 70,000 historical mounds). The first accounting tools were found in Iran, belonging to 9,000 years ago. The first brick invention took place in Iran. The world's greatest masonry work is Perspolis, Iran. The architecture of castles originated in Persia thousands of years ago.

    Religious and cultural tolerance was also very unique. While all other world powers persecuted and discriminated against the Jews the Persians were the only world power who actually liberated and protected the Jews). By doing so, the Persians pioneered the freedom of religion and culture of the minorities in the world. (While some European conquerors, like Alexander the Great, destroyed Persepolis and other areas, or exiled their people, the Persian kings supported the local culture and religion). Quite interestingly this societal trend didn't re-appear for hundreds of years to come.

    An interesting culture related contribution is their celebrations. For example they invented the concept of celebrating birthdays. The first people, who started the "Birthday" celebration, where the Persian nobility and the royalty. Their celebrations always were recorded events with an abundance of food and people. Very traditional-style festivities. In a sense one could say that the Persians are the origin of the classical party/ball.

    Medicine was a contribution as well. I read an article on the first open-brain surgery that penetrated the skull a few months ago, and you'll be surprised that it was conducted in ancient Persia. The first operation on human skull in the world, took place in Persia, some 5,000 years ago, in fact. It was a successful surgery with precise incisions, and we know this today because archaeologists have unearthed what they believe to be the actual skull from the surgery.

  3. Question Two:

    The history of Greece can be traced back to Stone Age hunters. Later came early farmers and the civilizations of the Minoan and Mycenaean kings. This was followed by a period of wars and invasions, known as the Dark Ages. In about 1100 BC, a people called the Dorians invaded from the north and spread down the west coast. In the period from 500-336 BC Greece was divided into small city states, each of which consisted of a city and its surrounding countryside.

    There were only a few historians in the time of Ancient Greece. Three major ancient historians, were able to record their time of Ancient Greek history, that include Herodotus, known as the 'Father of History' who travelled to many ancient historic sites at the time, Thucydides and Xenophon.

    Most other forms of History knowledge and accountability of the ancient Greeks we know is because of temples, sculpture, pottery, artifacts and other archaeological findings.

    As an overall summary of Greek culture and society, they focused on architecture, geometry, education, philosophy, government, and military.

    The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica. Mayan history starts in the Yucatan around 2600 B.C.

    Building on the inherited inventions and ideas of earlier civilizations such as the Olmec, the Maya developed astronomy, calendrical systems and hieroglyphic writing. The Maya were noted as well for elaborate and highly decorated ceremonial architecture, including temple-pyramids, palaces and observatories, all built without metal tools. Mayan history shows that they were also skilled farmers, clearing large sections of tropical rain forest and, where groundwater was scarce, building sizeable underground reservoirs for the storage of rainwater. The Maya were equally skilled as weavers and potters, and cleared routes through jungles and swamps to foster extensive trade networks with distant peoples.

    So a summary on Mayan civilization would be their focus on farming, astrology, survival, agriculture in general, construction, efficacy, their development of calenders, and their profound and unique spirituality.

    The major differences between the two comes down to the differences in focuses on education and survival. Greeks were mathematical and philosophical people, while the Mayans were astronomical and spiritual.

    Posted by Anton Bartusov

  4. 1. The Persian Empire government consisted of a strong and efficient state-level government that consisted of twenty satrapies. Each satrapy was ruled by a governor called a satrap. Also in every satrapy there was a secretary and a military official. The ruler of the Persian Empire was first Cyrus the Great from the Aconimic dynasty, but many other rulers came through, the most well-known is Alexander the Great. The Persian Empire was located near western and central Asia and at the greatest extent of the empire it stretched from Greece to China, north Russia to southern Arabia to northern Africa. The culture of the Persian Empire varied from place to place, with similar beliefs in government with one leader, religion of believing in many gods, as well as similar traditions.

    2. Greek empire government was oligarchy, monarchy, and some democracy, while Mayan empire was based solely upon a hierarchal government ruled by priests and kings. Something the Mayan empire did not have that the Greek empire did was common currency. Because of both locations, Mayan empire had great soil for growing crops and trading, while the Greek empire was more based on free enterprise. Religious practices and traditions in the Greek empire were based on polytheism and the belief of multiple gods and goddesses. Mayan practices were based on prayers, dance offerings, and very important sacrifices. Both empires legacy included different types of building structures and types of education.

  5. The Persian empire was built by Cyrus the second. Cyrus was mainly on conquering cities but only to a extent of independence. making there cities pay taxes to there ruler. But after 400 BC cities started to rebel and assassinated there ruler. They did have separation in classes as the rich people would have beds and furniture and beautiful gardens but the poor lived in huts made out of mud. Religion was free then, people where free to believe what they want and culture was very different in one city. for the time of Hellenistic time were people from different cities and states expanded there culture.

    Mayans and Greek were 2 different kingdoms and culture in 2 different places but all at the same times. Mayans where located in witch is now south mexico. Greek was located in Greece.major difference between Mayans and Greek was belief of gods. Mayans all believed in the same thing as in multiples god and would sacrificial human hearts. as in Greeks wouldn't really care.

  6. Tyrell- A much heated debate was sparked by the controversial movie 300, which relates of the famous Battle of Thermopylae between the Spartans and the Persians. The persians invented the brick in 6000 B.C also a physican named Avicenna who worte the first manuals called "The Canon of Medicine" it was the first manuals of the modern medicine. In 1700 B.C the persian invented the windmill. The romans excellentroads and communications systems that helped produce trade and new ideas. They had influences outside of themselves, like Greece, to help form their culture. The Mayans lacked many of the inventions and discoveries that
    made all the Eurasia empires, including Rome,.
