Tuesday, November 8, 2011

TURK is the WORD....

Ok my wonderful little World History class!  I am sorry that this is getting posted so late..but, that's just life sometimes!  Here is your task, should you choose to accept it...which, by the way YOU WILL ACCEPT IT :)  

You will need to watch the following 2 video clips depicting the fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Muslim Ottoman Turks...

After you have watched the videos, you have TWO assignments...

FIRST..you will need to write at least a paragraph about one interesting fact that you learned from the videos...you need to be original..DO NOT just repost what someone else has already said!!!  I want to see what YOU think is interesting!!  

SECOND...you need to come up with at least 2 questions per video (4 questions in total) based on the videos...These questions need to be well-thought out and of high quality...these questions will be your exit ticket from class on Thursday!!!  You are to come up with questions that can be answered in the video (as if you were coming up with your own blog assignment/post!!  Please email me RussellL@friscoisd.org or speak to me at school if you have any questions!! 

Good Luck!!


  1. what i found interesting is that they had big walls protecting Constantinople and the big cannon was interesting too, and i like how Constantinople lasted like 500 years and it is now Istanbul

  2. I don't really feel like searching the videos for fun facts, so I'll just research the Byzantine and then post a brief synopsis of their history based on my findings.

    The Byzantine Empire was the Eastern part of the Roman empire, a remnant of the breakup of the Western Empire in the 5th Century A.D. The Capital of the Byzantine Empire was Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, Turkey.

    Constantinople became a capital of the Roman Empire in 330 after Constantine the Great renamed the city of Byzantanium, naming it after himself. At the time, the Byzantine empire was known as simply Roman, with Roman subjects. Scholars have named it the Byzantine Empire after its ancient capital name Byzantanium. Greek was the predominant Language spoken there, even a selection of its populations spoke Latin, Coptic, Syriac, Armenian, and other languages.

    The Byzantine empire had survived many Germanic and Hunnic tribal raids and migrations in the 5th and 6th centuries, but could not recover, hold, and govern the entire Mediterranean world. Constantinople itself weathered major Arab sieges in the 620's. The Arab invasions occurring in the 6th and 7th centuries declined city life and commerce in most of the empire except Thessalonika and Constantinople. Warfare inhibited agriculture and education, and the empire could no longer maintain the complexity of the late Roman empire; yet, it managed to endure and adapt for a while longer.

    During the 9th and 10th centuries, renconquest and recovery took place in the Byzantine Empire, taking different forms. Byzantanium regained territory in South East Asia Minor, Greece, Macedonia, and Thrace. The many sciences were also revived among the interests of the people, with learning returning to Classical models in art and literature.

    Eventually, the Byzantines lost their last foothold in Italy and were alienated from the Christian West by the Great Schism of 1054 between the Orthodox Church and the papacy. Byzantine Asia Minor was also taken over by Seljuk Turks in 1071.

    The Decline of the Byzantine Empire was said to have been hastened by the Crusades , even though they did recover some lands of Asia minor during that time period. During the 12th Century, the political and military power declined steadily, and the Crusaders allied with Venice seized and plundered Constantinople in 1204, establishing their own empire of Constantinople. Emperor Michael VIII Palaeologus recaptured Constantinople from the Latins in 1261, and ruled there until 1453. The new Palaeologan empire barely survived for a short period, and the emergent Ottoman Turks conquered remnants of Byzantine Asia Minor, overran the Balkans, and eventually took Constantinople. The Byzantine Empire, in 1453, was brought to an end.

    That was ridiculous and next time I'm just sticking with the fun facts. There were to many sources to list here, and that on it's own is absurd.

  3. The questions are as follows:

    Does Civilization/religion cause humanity to trend more toward conflict or is civilization/religion the path away from war? Why?


    Do you think that religious beliefs fueled the development of ancient civilizations? Do you think the influence of religion on motivation could change the path of a civilizations demise?

    Stay Classy,

    Anton Bartusov


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The battle for the city of Constantinople was a turning point. It was the final stand for medieval style warfare. It was the final stand for the ancient Roman Empire as well. Once Constantinople had fallen, there was no doubt about it " the Middle Ages were over, and it was the time of the Renaissance.

    Constantinople, once named Byzantium, was the capital of the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire was the eastern part of the Roman Empire that had continued on after the Roman Empire in Europe had fallen. Constantinople had been its capital for about 1,000 years, except for a short time after the 4th Crusade when it had been taken over by the Crusaders. For the rest of that 1,000 years, Constantinople had been the center of the kingdom that was the successor to the great Roman Empire.

    Byzantium was an important kingdom for another reason too. It was located at a strategic point along the trade route between Europe and Asia.

    Over the years, many other attempts had been made to capture Constantinople; however, they had not been successful.

    There were many, many, many, but not one specific, reason that the Empire fell. Earthquakes, Turks, religious wars, and much more eventually caused the population to lessen and the people to become less loyal. So many reasons, but just one outcome. Constantinople fell; and that's all there is to it...

    1. Why was the Empire able to stay strong for so long? Location? Ruler?
    2. What big mistakes helped destroy the once stable; unfallable Empire?
    3. Is there any specific group that can be given the title of being the one's that caused the great fall?
    and lastly;
    4. What impact did the Turks play in the falling of the Empire?

  6. One interesting fact I saw in the video was that Constantinople was the most rich and wealthiest city in the world and the largest city in Europe. The reason why it was so wealthy was because it was an ideal location for trade, both lands from the lucrative trade routes from the east, and by sea from trade with the black sea regions and beyond as well as the rest of the Mediterranean. Constantinople accumulated wealth over centuries. Unlike Rome Constantinople didn't fall to violence corruption and bankruptcy and was preserved by the Byzantine Empire.

    Who invaded Constantinople?
    What did the people do to protect Constantinople?
    Why did BLANK invade Constantinople (from the first question)?
    Who controlled the Silk Road after Constantinople’s demise?

  7. The Decline of the Byzantine Empire was said to have been hastened by the Crusades , even though they did recover some lands of Asia minor during that time period. During the 12th Century, the political and military power declined steadily, and the Crusaders allied with Venice seized and plundered Constantinople in 1204, establishing their own empire of Constantinople. Emperor Michael VIII Palaeologus recaptured Constantinople from the Latins in 1261, and ruled there until 1453. The new Palaeologan empire barely survived for a short period, and the emergent Ottoman Turks conquered remnants of Byzantine Asia Minor, overran the Balkans, and eventually took Constantinople. The Byzantine Empire, in 1453, was brought to an end.

  8. soooo basically what hapened was like three diferent dudes went to battle and it was an Islamic victory, and the christians still beleived that even thruogh this the empire could not fall until the moon fell. Why did they fight in constinople if they wanted it because all they did was ruin it? after the fighting did it return to its original great place of trade.
