Friday, January 25, 2013

World History Direct Teach 1/25/13

Conrad-Demarest Model of Empires resources!!

I am going to be so super awesome and provide a few resources for you to use in your Empire research!

Centennial Library Research

Additional Primary Source Documents

I also have textbook pages that you can use, but I am not able to access the online textbook version at this time :( so I will post the page numbers asap!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

World History Direct Teach 1/22/13-1/23/13

Good Afternoon!

For the past few days, we have been discussing the Conrad-Demarest Model of Empires using Persia as our example.  We have talked about and examined the conditions needed for the Rise of Empires, the Height of Empires, and eventually the Fall of Empires.  

To help you review, I have posted the C-D Model Persia powerpoint and the Chart for the Empire Model.  You may use this to help you complete your chart, if you have not already done so.  You may also use this information to assist you in your research on your assigned Empire.

Click on the link under World History Assignments.  Look for the link for the C-D Model Persia powerpoint and the link for the Empire Model Chart.

In the next day or so, I will be posting more resources for you to use in your research!

Good Luck!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

World History Direct Teach 1/17/13

Hello Group!  

We will be using this blog as a supplement to the discussions and lessons that we do in class.  It will be your responsibility to access this website and complete all of the work as it is assigned to you.  Each time you are given a blog assignment, you will be required to complete this work in your labs or at home before you come back to class!  

You will find the instructions or introduction to each assignment in a post on this page.   You will then access the World History Assignments link on the top right hand side of the page to view the materials and/or resources for the assignments.  


Today, you will need to view the 2 powerpoints on Religions of the World, and you will need to read through the note documents on the various religions.  

Then, you will need to print out the Religions Chart and complete the chart using the powerpoints/notes.  You will also need to print out the World Religions Map and complete the map, using the resources provided, as well as any other internet/book resources you have access to.

Bring the Chart and the Map back to class at 1:15 today!! (Thursday, 1/17/13).  You will receive a completion grade for this assignment!

Good Luck and please let me know if you have any questions!!

:) Mrs. Russell