Monday, September 26, 2011

Mayan Vs. Greece...hmmmm???

Ok guys!  Forgive me :)  There are 3 videos here that I want you to watch...each of these videos are about 15 minutes in length...they are actually very interesting, so please give them a chance!!  We are looking at the Mayan civilization and we are going to make a comparison between the Mayan and the Greek civilization..please watch the 3 video clips and as you watch...take note of the social structure, the religious structure, the governmental structure, and the cultural legacy/achievements of the Mayans!

Now that you have watched the videos :) :) :)

I want you to make a comparison between the Greek city-states and the Mayan them based on the governmental structure, economy, religious practices, and cultural achievements/ should respond in at least one paragraph and give examples based on the videos/research on the Mayans and the notes/research that we have discussed about the Greeks...after you have posted your "original" opinion :) please make sure that you read the rest of the posts and make a comment on another students response!

You guys are doing fantastic!  I am so proud of you!!!!! :)

Mrs. Russell :)


  1. Greek city-states
    Government structure: Some city-states were monarchy which gave way to oligarchy--that is, rule by a few rich. Other types of government were tyranny as well as democracy.
    Economy: It was assumed to be a free enterprise, capitalistic- one with interconnected price-making markets. All the city-states shared a common currency.
    Religious Practices: Ancient Greek theology was based on polytheism; that is, the assumption that there were many gods and goddesses.
    Legacy: Ancient Greek theology was based on polytheism; that is, the assumption that there were many gods and goddesses.

    Mayan civilization
    Government structure: The Mayans developed a hierarchical government ruled by kings and priests.
    Economy: Trade in Maya civilization was a vital element in maintaining cities. The economy was based primarily on the trading of food like corn, squash, and beans.
    Religious Practices: Mayan religious practices included prayer, dance, incense offerings, rigorous fasting, and individual sacrifice. All of these ceremonies were a means of communicating with the spirit world.
    Legacy: The Mayan civilization has been known for their famous pyramidal structures, innovative writing system, masters of mathematics and calendars.

  2. Great job Hayley! This is exactly what I wanted you to do! Keep up the great work :)

  3. The greece government was a parliamentary republic; monarchy rejected by referendum December 8, 1974. The greek orthdox church is the national religion and is practiced by the majority of the population. Religion in is integral to life in Greece and is evidenced in the respect for hierachy and view of the family as a single strenght. The Mayan civilization has been known for their famous pyramidal structures, innovative writing system, masters of mathematics and calendars.
    The Mayan social structure is shape like a pyramid also the govenrment was an important part of the Mayan civilization. Priests and governments, ruled cities led ceremonies and performed many other jobs.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. For Greek Legacy it should say, "Legacy: Greek city-states is best known for the building structures, skillful teachers, and philosophical tradition."

  6. mayans very smart people. making there calender so accurate on how we have our calender today. mayans believing in human sacrafice to the gods and have there priest and kings rule. similar between the mayans and greece is social class.
    while greece had devolped money to buy and trade while the mayans were still trading from the goods they had.

  7. the mayans developed alot of great things. a big empire. they practiced human sacrafice. they practiced religous beliefs. they built the mayan calander which was pretty acurate. the greeks were very similar in their architecture and their practices, however they were so far apart. they were ruled by kings and priests.

  8. Greek City-States
    Government Structure: Some of the city states were ruled by some rich, they were a monarchy.
    They were also a democracy.
    Economy: It was one of the price making Markets.
    Some city-states shared the same currency.
    Religious Practices: The Ancient Greeks were based on polytheism.
    Legacy: They were based on polytheism.

    Mayan Civilization
    Government Structure:
    Developed a hierarchical government, they were ruled by kings and priests.
    Economy: Trade in Mayan civilization was very important.
    Religious Practices: The Mayans practiced dance, license offering, sacrifice, fasting, and prayer. This is how they communicated.
    The Mayan also had a complex written language. Priests with the early Spanish destroyed most written images, feeling that what was on them was heretical. We are just now learning to translate these writings.

  9. i agree with tyrell and hayley.

  10. and chico and irlena

  11. Irlena, I didn't know that about Mayan's written language. That's very interesting, good job.

  12. i agree alot with usama because thye mayans did develope alot of this like waht he said and writings it was very important.

  13. The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as for its art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems. Initially established during the Pre-Classic period (c. 2000 BC to 250 AD), according to the Mesoamerican chronology, many Maya cities reached their highest state of development during the Classic period (c. 250 to 900 AD), and continued throughout the Post-Classic period until the arrival of the Spanish.

    Ancient Greece is the civilization belonging to the period of Greek history lasting from the Archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries BC to the end of antiquity and beginning of the Early Middle Ages with the rise of the Byzantine era following Justinian I.[1] At the center of this time period is Classical Greece, which flourished during the 5th to 4th centuries BC, at first under Athenian leadership successfully repelling the military threat of Persian invasion. The Athenian Golden Age ends with the defeat of Athens at the hands of Sparta in the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC. Following the conquests of Alexander the Great, Hellenistic civilization flourished from Central Asia to the western end of the Mediterranean Sea.

    The primary similarities were in how much they contributed to the intellectual community and information collective. Primary differences lie in the fact that Greece was more military oriented, and super gay. The Mayans were not flaming homosexuals, but rather awesome people who painted their captives blue and then cut their hearts out on a giant ziggurat.

    Posted by Anton Bartusov, yo!

  14. Why can't I watch the videos. It says they do not exist
